Waterbird Census: 33 Bird Species at Stung Sen Ramsar Site and 31 Bird Species at Boeung Tonle Chmar Ramsar site (VIDEO)
Thirty-three (33) bird species have been recorded at Stung Sen Ramsar site and 31 others at Boeung Tonle Chmar Ramsar site, according to a waterbird census conducted by the Tonle Sap Team of NatureLife Cambodia.
Among the recorded species, the source pointed out, there were 3 near-threatened species, including the Asian Golden Weaver, Oriental Darter, and Grey-headed Fish Eagle.
Every year in January and February, the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) takes place to study waterbirds. This year, the Tonle Sap Team of NatureLife Cambodia started the census on Jan. 8, 2024, at the two Ramsar sites. They worked together with 24 rangers, 10 committee members of CPAs, and 3 staff members of their team.
These Ramsar sites are important wetlands that provide essential feeding and foraging habitats for these waterbird species, said NatureLife Cambodia, adding that more species and individuals will arrive between March and May when the water recedes, making it the best time for foraging in these wetlands.